The Dogs host the Langley Chiefs tonight. As far as I know, the Chiefs beat the Clippers 5-4 in Nanaimo last night. I say "as far as I know" because that's the last score on the fanzone boxscore and no final score or boxscore is up yet on the league site. And no one seems to care enough to post something on the good ole' message board. Yes, it does have it's uses, besides bashing players/coaches/staff/owners/refs/radio guys.
Big credit goes out to Alan Kerr and Bryant Perrier for enjoying their Friday night off by driving to Nanaimo to watch the game and see what they could find out about Langley and their tendencies and strategies in the hopes of adjusting to that to give their team a boost tonight. I've long said it, it takes work ethic and drive and desire and all that stuff for coaches as well as players. The only time the Dogs won 2 in a row all season was when Alan and Bryant enjoyed their first Friday off all season by driving down to Duncan to watch Salmon Arm play their the night before they rolled into the pound. It would've been easy that night, and last night, to kick back and watch a couple of NHL games or go out for dinner or just do nothing. Trust me, that was fun, and easy. HA!
While I'm at it, thanks to Bryant, and even Alan yesterday (yes, they had me surrounded) for getting me on the bike and giving me the direction and encouragement to work my buns off. My legs are killing me. But I know it's good for me.
Man, I'm a thankful guy today. I REALLY REALLY owe Jesse Moser. Wednesday I was on the bike and my cell phone rang. I hopped off the bike to get it, and jumped back on and talked while I was riding. I then hung up, and not wanting stop my ride to put it down, I looked for a soft place to throw it. Which turned out to be laundry. Which wasn't clean. Ouch. I left the rink and forgot it there, and dirty laundry (yes even with these players) is plenty better than in the alternative which was the washing machine. Thanks for saving my cell phone Jess, I was informed that I owe you big time and I certainly do!!
The Dogs have awarded their two A's that were once on the sweaters of Sawyer Eichel and Isaac Smeltzer. The two new players wearing them will be Shane Malone and James Kerr. With such a young team, the letters could have went to just about anybody. I'll get the word "from the horses mouth" on the pregame show tonight as to why these players were picked. I'd guess a couple of factors taken in besides leadership abilities and how these guys are in the room and on the bench would be character and work ethic. Read the release from the team HERE
As I posted in the Christmas Party post- the team is busy up to the holiday break. Details on when and where you can see the team:
Winter Wonderland Everyone Welcome Free Skate with the Bulldogs
Monday Dec. 10th
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Get your player Autographs before Christmas and enter to win one of 5 family packs the game on Dec. 12th
Starting at Saturdays game, Angel and her friends from BF4E (best friends 4 ever), in partnership with the Alberni Valley Bulldogs, are hosting the 2nd annual variety tree of hearts campaign behind section 106 for the next 4 games. Pairs of hearts are sold by donation and one of the hearts goes home with the buyer, the other gets hung on a Variety tree of hearts in the winter wonderland so all can see it. The heart that’s hung on the tree in the multiplex bears the name of the purchaser so kids can look for their heart when the go skating. And we’ll be giving out variety pins to donors as well. Plus angel will be signing out coin drive boxes and posters to anyone who wants to ‘adopt a coin box’ for the coin drive.
So please buy a heart and consider getting a coin box. Also please visit Angel's homepage HERE
and Angel's Variety Fundraising Page HERE so you can learn how you can help her and other kids in BC through supporting the Jeneece and Friends Coin Drive. Just search "Angel" which worked for me!
The Dogs host Burnaby tomorrow. More on that later tonight or early tomorrow with the game day pic and tonight's results for both teams included.
That's it for me today, wow am I ever EN FUEGO! Off to the rink to get some interviews for tonight.
As always, you can email me in the booth HERE
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