Please visit the links and support my friends and supporters!!!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Oiler fans- Best fans in the league, loudest barn in the league!
Also, the Oilers intro to ice level earlier in the playoffs. Click PLAY on the videos to watch.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sitting at LAX
Just a quick note to let you know that Disney Land didn't kill me, it was fun, and THE MOUSE left me enough money to get home. dan the stats man you may be right, OIL should make me their good luck charm.
Take care all, kiosk time up,
Friday, May 19, 2006
Hello from Arrowhead Pond!
The stars sure aligned for this one. My dear Sarah won a trip to Disney Land, back in around September. We had to choose when to go, and the only sure date we could come up with that was suitable for them was right after the Royal Bank Cup, when it was known FOR SURE that I wouldn't be tied up doing play by play. Now the Royal Bank Cup sure didn't happen for the Bulldogs, we all know that. Don't want to think about what might have been again......
Anyway, as I said the stars aligned for this one. The Oilers beat out the Wings. The Ducks beat out the Flames. I did some math, and thought, WOW, the West Final might be happening in Anaheim if we are really lucky.
I applied for media accreditation on a whim, not thinking there was a chance I could get in.
Well, here we are, 6:25 on the clock ticking down to game one, and here I am.
Off to watch the game. If I'm allowed, I'll take some in rink pics and post them.
Even though I can't say that up in the pressbox.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Ladies and Gents, Boys, Girls, and Dog fans of all shapes and sizes......
I give YOU
The 05/06 Alberni Valley Bulldogs Highlight Reel.
Did I mention it's a VIDEO reel?
I believe it to be the first of it's kind when it comes to the Alberni Valley Bulldogs.
Let me state some things about the video first, before I post a link.
I did not make this video for profit of any kind.
I made video for the purposes that are stated at it's start.
The video was made to showcase my skills as a broadcaster, and to document some of the Dogs moments of the past season.
It was alot of work to get this done. It was alot of tough moments picking which highlights to use. Radio, and video wise. Some great highlights from other moments throughout the season and playoffs weren't available whether it was video wise or I didn't think the play by play was the best I could select.
Of course I finally get this done and ready to go onto the net today, and I tell a Bulldog player about it. Now he wants some of his highlights made into a reel. Not sure I could do that, but you never know.
I don't expect fans and players of any other BCHL teams to enjoy this video much. When it's one teams "best moments" and you are an opponent of that one team, you aren't going to like the memories.
I am a passionate broadcaster no doubt, but I'm sure that fans and players and the like from other teams would enjoy a video of their teams moments as much as Dogs fans will enjoy this.
PLEASE spread the word. Send it to your inlaws, outlaws, friends and family. I worked hard on it for the reasons stated and I'd love for as many people as possible to see it, for the fans, for the players, for the team, and for Port Alberni.
Tah Dah!
Hammer's 2005-2006 Alberni Valley Bulldogs Highlight Reel
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Congrats to the Burnaby Express, and BIG STUFF on the way!
A special congrats to Express Play-by-Play voice Eddie Gregory. Eddie is a young hard working guy, who always had time for any interviews requested of him by me this season. Being through a RBC, I know the ups, downs, and everything else that yes, even a broadcaster, goes through. Congrats to Eddie.
I have to run for now, but if you are a Bulldog fan you MUST check the blog in the next couple of days. I've been working hard over the last little while on something, and it's finally done!
Stay tuned, and thanks for stopping by.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Dogs prospect camp on the ice+ the "Quest for Hockeyville" heats up

Hello and thanks for stopping by the blog. Haven't been posting much because it's hammers "Bulldog" blog and there wasn't much Dogs news for a while. There is now though. Went down to the rink a bit today to check out some of the prospects camp. Head down to the Multiplex this weekend to see some action. More information can be found on the Bulldogs website, link on the right.
Great to see some hockey and to see some of those people that I only seem to see at the rink. Easy that way to see what that facility does to the city, and how hockey is all involved.
Out of 400 plus entries from across the country, the AV Hockeyville bid is still in the running with the number down to 25 bids still vying country wide in all varying types of communities large and small.
Hockeyville Happenenings- Take a look at this "handout" I received via email. Thanks Tom. Other than that, thanks for stopping by and hope to see you all around.
The 2006 Alberni Valley Hockeyville Quest
Get Involved and Show Your Community Spirit!
Check out our Website at or call 720-2803
Sunday May 7th:
- The Alberni Valley Hockeyville Committee will have a tent set up in front of the Multiplex with information, jersey’s and tshirts sales, and the Kiwanis food bus from noon to 8 pm. We will be preparing for a 6 pm visit from a CBC film crew. Home Depot will be sending us $2500 worth of materials for us to build the “Spirit of Hockeyville” trophy case that day. We have volunteers from the North Island College Cabinetry class and others helping us build this on site. The trophy case will honour the qualities of fairness and sportsmanship which we all should strive to achieve on and off of the ice. The 2006 recipient will be honoured Sunday evening at 8 pm at the Multiplex. The Harbour City Big Band will be providing musical entertainment.
Tuesday May 9th:
- We are hosting the Alberni Valley’s Hockeyville Celebration in the ADSS Auditorium at 7 pm. Celebrate our quest to become Hockeyville Canada. Wear a jersey, paint your face, make a banner and bring your family, relatives, neighbours or your whole team. Get all the details of our application, watch the recent video that was submitted to help us reach the Top 25 and hear some of the inspiring stories. Participate in our Hockeyville Idol. Come on stage and tell us “Why Port Alberni is Hockeyville Canada.” Tell us individually, in a group, by song or verse or in your own unique way. One or more people will be selected to be filmed to be a part of our next 1 minute video to be aired on national TV on June 6th.
Friday May 12th:
- The first of Hockeyville Friday’s in the Alberni Valley. We challenge everyone to wear something connected to hockey every Friday up until Hockeyville Canada concludes on June 11. Alberni Valley Hockeyville Jerseys and Tshirts can be ordered from JAL Designs. We encourage businesses, schools and other organizations to get involved. Decorate your homes, offices, stores and classrooms. Submit stories and pictures to for inclusion on our website.
Throughout May:
- Throughout the month of May we encourage schools and other organizations to hold Hockeyville events. These could be on Hockeyville Fridays or on other more convenient days. Submit your plan to Tom McEvay at by May 12th and the Alberni Valley Hockeyville Committee will select one or two to be filmed by local TV. You may be able towin prizes for your school. Also submit your letters from students and anyone answering “Why is the Alberni Valley Hockeyville?” or “You know you live in Hockeyville when…..” to Rick Methot at the AV Times for inclusion in a daily Hockeyville column.
Friday May 26th:
- We submit our 1 minute Testimonial video to CBC and Kraft Hockeyville as part of the next requirement in the competition. Remember you could be a part of this video if you are selected from our Hockeyville Idol auditions on May 9th.
Monday June 5th:
- Ron Paulson and Tom McEvay will be flown to Hamilton Ontario by CBC to be the official Alberni Valley representatives for the next steps in the Hockeyville Canada competition. Other members of the Alberni Valley Hockeyville committee are planning to make the trip as well and we invite anyone else who wants to join us to come along and be part of a strong Alberni Valley presence. Cash in those airmiles and be part of a great road trip.
Tuesday June 6th:
- The fifth episode of Hockeyville Canada will be aired live on CBC channel 3 at 7 pm. McEvay and Paulson will present our 1 minute video along with the other top 25 communities. The judges will select 1 community from each of the 5 regions to move on to the top 10. The viewing public have until 11:59 pm on June 7th to select 1 community from each region as well. In the last round the Alberni Valley was selected by the judges and was not on the list for viewers to vote on. We need to be prepared to get out the vote if needed this round. Make sure everyone you know is ready to phone or email their vote in before the deadline.
Friday June 9th:
The sixth episode of Hockeyville Canada will be aired at 7 pm on CBC. This episode will announce the remaining 10 communities. This episode will then feature representatives from each of these 10 communities in a Hot Stove discussion where the judges grill the contestants on why their communities should be Hockeyville Canada 2006. If we make it to the final 10 McEvay and Paulson will be our representatives for this session that will then see the judges reduce the group to the final 5 communities. Each of the top 5 communities will receive $10,000 worth of hockey equipment for disadvantaged youth from CCM/Reebok.
Sunday June 11th:
- The seventh and final episode of Hockeyville Canada will be aired live at 7 pm on CBC. At the end of this episode they will announce the Grand Prize winner of the $50,000 gift certificate from Home Depot for their arena upgrades and the right to host an NHL exhibition game next fall.
Hockey is a team sport and we need the entire community to be part of our Hockeyville team !! We can’t do this without you so get on board.