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Monday, August 18, 2008

Back in action....Olympics stuff...TRAVIS CROSS Wrestles WEDNESDAY AUGUST 20th 6:30pm PST!!


I'm back blogging again after taking a couple days off for a busy weekend where I attended a wedding of epic proportions over in Vancouver.

I may post more later, but I wanted to leave you all with this right now....

The Olympics. I was maybe like most of you last week, thinking "COME ON lets just get ONE MEDAL"

I know the athletes were trying their best, and I know that they have trained harder than they ever probably thought they could train to prepare to represent their country.

Not everyone can win though, so I guess that's what makes it so special?

This one brought tears to my eyes and made me think of all the athletes that wanted so badly to win and they just couldn't do it. Thanks for your efforts!

Our first medal. Gold.




Anonymous said...

Hey Hammer, when does the Bulldog training camp start? Do you have their schedule? Very very quiet on the website.

Hammer said...

I'm not sure when training camp starts. I know the hockey school started yesterday.

I will see if I can find out the training camp dates for you!


Superstar Fan said...

The camp starts 1st thing Saturday morning with the boys coming back to town on Friday.