Cool stuff today...I got a phone call this morning from the Acting Mayor of Port Alberni, "Old" Ike Patterson. He informed me that at the regular meeting of City Council Monday night, the Port Alberni Acting Mayor and Council proclaimed August 20th to be TRAVIS CROSS DAY.
What does this mean? Here's the gist of the conversation..
Travis Cross will start wrestling in Beijing at 9:30am on August 21st.
Which is 6:30pm, August 20th in Port Alberni.
The CBC cannot guarantee guarantee that live coverage will be provided when Travis is wrestling. However it WILL be broadcasted at some point.
City Council has proclaimed Wednesday, August 20th as "Travis Cross Day" and to honour the occasion they are inviting citizens to gather in the Dogwood Room at Echo Centre to watch Travis' Olympic debut on a big screen TV, courtesy of Barlow's Home Entertainment Centre.
The Dogwood Room will be open from 4:30 to 8:30pm but seating is limited so interested fans and supporters should arrive well before 6:30pm.
Cool stuff!
Old Ike will be on the 93.3 THE PEAK FM morning show just after 8:10am tomorrow to talk about this in greater detail so be sure to tune in!
In response to all of this cool Travis Cross stuff on the blog, I was included on this great email of support to Tom and Tom and the crew and of course Travis in Beijing from the Hout family down in Ladera Ranch, California.
Yes, Cross fever is spreading everywhere! Gotta love the internet! I hope they can get on the blog in China to read this!
Hi Tom (and group), We just listened to the exciting and informative telephone conversation today between you (and Tom #2) with Hammer, all the way from China. It's on Hammer's blog (gotta love the technology of today, WOW). What a fabulous opportunity to be traveling with your group from the Alberni Valley to support Travis while competing at the Olympics. Once again, the Alberni Valley proves to be the most incredible community on this planet. Need we say more...
We'll be sending good wishes and good karma Travis' way on Aug. 21st, all the way from Ladera Ranch, California. Love to see an Alberni Valley group photo from the Great Wall of China, not to mention, Travis winning the gold!
Safe travels abroad. Go Travis Go! Regards, The Hout family- Sam, Kathy, Adam & Dena

I am excited because today is International Left Handers Day!
Today is our one day to celebrate being different from roughly 90% of the population. It is our one day to celebrate and forget the simple struggles of living in a right handed world!
My thanks to my dear mother, for not just accepting my left-handedness but encouraging it. She did everything from buying me left handed scissors and even books about how cool being left handed could be.
It all sounds pretty cheesy to you righties. But you just don't understand. That could be due to our higher level of intelligence!
So I'll keep it short as to not get myself hacked by some hating right-handers... To my left handed brothers and sisters out there reading this...Have a great day!

A two time Stanley Cup Champ, a THREE time Hart Trophy Winner, and #23 on The Hockey News' List of the Top 100 NHL Players of All-Time.
I had to at least mention this today for the fear that they might not let me go back home next time if I didn't!
I didn't see many of Bobby's games myself, but I have seen plenty of old games. Grab some tapes somehow if you have a young or old player that you think needs to learn and understand what tenacity and work ethic and drive are all about. Sometimes it's those three factors that make the biggest difference between winning and losing and making it or not making it.
Hey hammer just leaving for dinner will read your blog later if I can. You are not Banned in China. Take care.
I am waving my left hand proudly brother
Thanks Kris I knew you seemed like a better than average guy for a reason!
And thanks for letting me know I'm good in China still Richelle!
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