Bottom mask in the above picture is Dunc Wilson, from the 70-71 inaugural season for the Nucks
That is a lot of pucks! Not all of the 802 pucks are the original goal puck, but the NET is actually the one he scored the goal on. Who was in net when this happened anyway? Sorry for posting this Nucks fans but it's history none the less, haha
Had to grab a picture from the "wall of pucks" at the Hall Entrance of my home town. Sarah touches the "lucky loonie" from the ice in Salt Lake at the 02 Olympics.
Man....this one gets me right fired up. Love John Ashbridge. Love the Drums. Love the Horn. Love the U2. Love the fans. Love the air raid siren. Man we gotta crank that thing up at the Multiplex. I can't even hear it. Maybe I can do some talking on that one.....Also must say I love what CBC does. Many other networks, and many other sports, they don't seem to care much about giving the viewer the experience of being there and watching the game. The intro of the teams onto the ice, the anthems....Seems it's just commercial time to them. Kudos to CBC.Lastly, love Youtube!
hope you can appreciate this next video even if you aren't a Canucks fan, but a fan of "crowd energy" like me. Growing up in Manitoba I was never really a Canuck fan. Habs and Jets first, then Oilers because Cujo was there. 2002 or so watching the playoffs on CBC it was actually the CROWD that got me into the Canucks. The unreal atmosphere, the great "pop" from the crowd when the team came on the ice or scored a goal, the tradition of singing part of the Anthem, all of that got the passion flowing and next thing you know, I'm a fan!
It'sssssssssss AAAAAAAALLLLIIIIVVVVEEEE The "Churchill" is goose bump city!
The addition of the Winston Churchill speech only improved what is already one of the greatest intros in pro sports today. Throw in the fact it was game 7, which made the crowd extra nuts. Love that air raid siren!
The rest is history. All 30 people at the house we were watching it at went nuts like you can't believe. We kicked the wagon jumper off the island. Or something like that. Although Calgary got the last laugh. That one still hurts. Man do I ever miss Chris Cuthbert.
PS- BOB COLE IS STILL THE BEST. Just imagine him doing Canucks games instead of Leaf games. I love Hughson, he will be the man for a long time. It will be great when Bob Cole goes out in style this year with him calling the Canucks winning the cup.
Predictions- I always say that predicting is for Nostradamus. But I will humour you.
Canucks win the Cup, and win the division. Anaheim wins the west.
I don't even want to go into the scenario of what happens if Bobby Lou goes down. I honestly wonder if Nonis or Vigneault or any other staff or fans have had a nightmare where they see Luongo go down, but it seems real. Yikes. Don't even want to think about it. But hey, take away any teams #1 and they are in some trouble.
Calgary will make the playoffs, based on Kipper alone. Not Keenan.
Edmonton will be closer than anyone thinks.
Leafs won't be in unless Toskala plays like Cujo.
Sens will be top 5 in the East again.
Habs will make it. Carey Price will end the season as the #1 goalie.
Thanks for visiting the blog. That's all for today. Two posts today. 7 games for the Bulldogs in 10 days starting tomorrow at home. Expect me to be scarce, but around!
If you pass along the "Chuck Canuck" logo, please give the blog credit please and link it!
chuck the canuck is from the HHOF in toronto? or another?
The HHOF in Toronto, yes. Sorry, I should've clarified!
wow that's awesome. i've posted something about it over on Metroblogging Vancouver, and linked back here :-)
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