A special heads up- Former Bulldog Devin Timberlake will be the second intermission "feature guest" from the Mulitplex in Vernon tonight.
Here's some pictures for you. I couldn't bring a camera this trip, so I have to post last years. First some shots of the Multiplex in Vernon. Then Merritt. Sadly, I don't have any pictures to show you of Salmon Arm. I didn't have a camera last year when we made the Salmon Arm trip. Only shot I could get was from the Sunwave Centre website.
Any questions complaints suggestions picture submissions please email me HERE
Vernon Mulitplex

And now to Merritt and the Nicola Valley Memorial Arena- aka "the ice box"

I had some pictures submitted, I'll post those coming up. Anything else you may have, drop me a line!
Thanks for stopping by the blog. Should be quite the road trip.